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Professor Slughorn

Professor Horace Slughorn was portrayed by Jim Broadbent. He was an old friend and a colleague of Dumbledore. Professor Slughorn was fond of collecting talented, famous, and powerful students at Hogwarts. He returned to Hogwarts to collect Harry himself. He was the old potion master before. Horace tampered his memory about Tom Riddle; he was the most favorite student of him way back. Dumbledore asked Harry to investigate and convince Slughorn to surrender his memory to Harry. One afternoon when Harry gulped the one vial of Felix Felices he went to Hagrid. On the way down to Hagrid’s house he saw Professor Slughorn. Professor decided to join Harry because it’s late in the afternoon. Then they saw Hagrid crying because Agragog had been died. Hagrid decided to drink alcohol to lessen his grief with Professor Slughorn. When they were drunk he started to tell a story to Harry about his mother and eventually surrendered his memory. The memory was all about Tom asking him about the purpose of a horcrux and how to create one. Being his favorite student, Professor doubtlessly tells Tom everything about a horcrux. This was the reason why Voldemort created 7 horcrux and killed many people. Professor Slughorn also fights for Hogwarts during the battle.

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